Friday, January 18, 2008

Arigato Sakai Deaf School!

When was the last time you jumped rope? Does your mom observe your classroom in elementary school? Do you know how to greet someone in Japan?

The day after we arrive in Osaka, we were honored with the opportunity to visit the Sakai Deaf School. Before visiting the school, our friend Miro helped arrange communication accessibility.

Japanese Sign Language
American Sign Language
New Zealand Sign Language
International System Language
Spoken Japanese
Spoken English
Cued Speech

...were all the languages used throughout the day for us to understand each other. And during our presentation, we communicated through two deaf interpreters in international system language.

We were given a tour by the Principal and Vice Principal, and impressed with how visual their education system is. In the elementary school classes, chairs were pushed aside for more interactive activities. Mothers often sit in on classes to observe and apply what the kids learn at school to their home life as well.

We were offered rice cakes in the preschool and jumped rope at lunchtime with the Jr High kids. The students were in awe of our blue eyes and wavy hair and asked us questions like, Do Americans have a gun at home? Have you met Paris Hilton? Do you like Dragonball? and Who will you vote for in the next presidential election?

After a nine hour visit, we left knowing that we made a difference in each others lives. More adventures lie ahead as we continue our journey through Japan.


Deb Ann and Hannah said...


Karen Putz said...

Thanks for that glimpse into Japan. I'm impressed at the idea of including parents in the classroom-- I wish we had more of that in the US!

Anonymous said...

Great job!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I used to be played jump roped with my classmates and friends during my elementary school in Holland.. wow it was very very long time ago.. I dont know if they do still play jump rope here in Holland.

Cool :-)