Tuesday, October 7, 2008

DDW back in the USA!

We made it home! After a year of discovering and documenting deaf worlds in eight countries, we are now back in Rochester, NY. Things that once seemed so familiar, like using tap water to brush our teeth or flushing toilet paper down the pipes instead of in a garbage bin, seem so unfamiliar now. Reality TV, yards, and paved roads are things we haven't seen in a long, long time so it will take a while for us to readjust.

But their will be time for that later, as we've hit the ground running! For the next several months we will continue to travel throughout the country sharing all the joys and pains of our experience.

On October 23rd, we will be giving our first presentation at the Rochester School for the Deaf for their "Adventures in Education" program. If you're in the area, come on down to check out what we have discovered in the past year. More info and tickets found at


Or if you are interested in having Discovering Deaf Worlds visit your hometown to share with your community, contact info@discoveringdeafworlds.com for details.

We have big visions for DDW as we enter the next phase and hope to make it all a reality with your support. Stay tuned to our website for more updates and future adventures. Thank you for believing in us!
